Partition Voices

From Website: "Over the past twenty years, I have conducted scores of interviews with people with personal stories to tell of Partition - the botched division of British India in August 1947 to created two independent nations, India and Pakistan. It produced one of the great tragedies of a deeply tragic century - at least half-a-million dead, ten million or more migrants, and the rupture of a symbiotic culture, most notably in Punjab.

The tapes of my interviews are now held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. I will in time post more details of the interviews on this site. Many were used in a radio series I made in 1997, India: a people partitioned - the audio of those programmes is available online. The historian Yasmin Khan also made excellent use of some of the material in her book The Great Partition. The interviews relating to Kashmir in 1947 provide the foundation of my own book A Mission in Kashmir."

Andrew Whitehead