Representation of forcedmigrants: a case study of theeast bengali migrants to WestBengal

Subhasri Ghosh
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The paper wishes t o address one of the key th em es of the volume—the representa tion of th e self a nd the other. The theme will be studied in the backdrop of the forced migration from East Bengal (pr esen t Bangla desh ) to West Beng al (in India ) following th e v iv isection of British India in t o two nation-states—India and Pakistan—in 1947 . The ev ent trig gered off large-scale cross-border m igration on the Beng al an d Punjab sector in India , with as the sur ging tide of uprooted mass lashin g th e shores of th ese two states. Concentr ating on the Bengal side, the paper will try to capture the many -faceted representations of the migran ts th r ough the len s of th e ‘self’ and th e ‘other’; the guest and the host, i.e. th e loca l people of West Bengal and the migrants fr om across the border. Culling information from Gov er nm ent documents, autobiographies, oral int er v iews and m emoirs, th e paper will focus on how each perceiv ed the oth er and wheth er m ore th an half a century and subsequent g enerations later such per ceptions hav e underg one any change.