Prelude to partition consolidation of muslim league 1936 43
Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj University
The dawn of freedom over India in Augu;t 194 7 ; after a iong and
bitter struggle · against British Raj, was one of the seminal
development of modern l ndian history. The partition of Indian subcontinent was the most negati ve aspect of this struggle against
British imperialism. This struggle has arouse·d profound scholarly
interes.t over the past fi ve decades, yet despite having the enormous
literature upon the manner in which India won freedom and the sub-·
c011tinent was partitioned into the sovereign state's, various important
facts of this historical event sti-11 remain unexplored.
There are only few research workers on the history of
Muslim League. In fact these works were written more than fi~e
decades back when sources such as government proceedings, private
papers of Indian leaders, Viceroys and other British officials we_re
not ava ilable. These rich and informati ve sources arc now available
and a true and comprehensive story of the history of the League can
be reconstructed on the bnsis of these sources.
My topics thus deals with the history of }1[usl im League. . ,•
However, I have chosen seven important year of League i.e. 1936 to
1943. It is during these year that the League become a formidable
organization. The consolidation of the All India Muslim League; and
consequently its emergence as 'Third Party' in the . political
firmament of India in such a short span of time, \\ hich ultimately
forced the other to Parties-British and Indian National Congress to
accepts its demand for Pakistan, is one such significant and seminal
historical development which needs an in-depth analysis and
I shall be failing in my duty, if I do not express a deep sense of
gratitude to Dr .. Vijay Kumar Khare, my Supervisor, who has
throughout been of great help to me in the task of presenting the
present work . I feel no verbatic expression of thanks to him for his
invaluable guidance, supervision, suggestion and advice, which he
conferred on me from time to time, and without which present work
would have been 'gardian knot'.
Thanks are due to Prof. Ravindra Nigam, Head of
Department, History, D.B.S College, Kanpur, For providing the
necessary facilities and encouragement during the research work.
Above all I am specially Thankful for Mr. Ratnakar Shukla
(Manager) Brahaspati Mahila P.G. College Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur,
For his Inspiration and regular assistence, & I also thank to my
collegue of B.M.P.G college.were I am Head of the Department of
History faculty. I also thank to Rahul Shukla for giving his cooperation and looking after all the computer's work from his precious
time after his Lecture in College. In above connection I want to thanks
to the Principal (Dr. Neeta Agnihotri ) & Vice- principal (Dr. ALKA
Tripathi). I pay my gratitudes to (Dr. Shiv Balak Dwivedi), Principal
Badri Vishal Degree College for his corporation.
I feel . obliged to my fri1_;nds, & fee l g reat to have Sri
Jaivcer Singh as my fother who promoted me to come up in th~
society and he arrangt.: nl l the possible fac ilities and fortunat~ly
a lso the same I feel for my molht.!r (Smt. S heela l)cvi) l a lso
thanks to my JIJ A JI (Dr. Ragavcndr:1 Singh) and respected sister
(Smt. Mam ta S ingh), & the co- operation of my beloveds Sim mi,
Ravi, & .
Special thanks to GOD for his gu idance throughout my Ph.D work
and h is blessing~.
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