The South Asian Citizens Web “aims to promote dialogue and information exchange between and about South Asian citizens initiatives.” It features resources and articles on the 1947 Partition of India.
This website provides first-hand accounts of people’s own experiences and memories of partition. It also provides reflections on the actions of political leaders during partition.
Towards Freedom is a historical web archive "dedicated solely to the purpose of learning re-search the history of India's struggle for Freedom from the yoke of imperialism." It features biographies of prominent leaders of the independence movement, photos, descriptions of individual movements, and a large pool of resources pertaining to Indian Independence.
This website is "preserving memories of India and Indians." It features written interviews, exposing the personal stories of people's first-hand experiences during important times of Indian History.
Summary: Through My Eyes is an online exhibition created by the Imperial War Museum. It features personal stories of war, conflict, belonging, and identity from the Indian Partition and other historical contexts.