The Earthy Soil: Bombay Peasants and the Indian Nationalist Movement, 1919-1947
Oxford University Press
From Google Books: "Recent studies on the Raj in India have concentrated on the intricate and sometimes convoluted links between the apparently antagonistic forces of imperialism and nationalism in the subcontinent, particularly at the level of political organization and party practice. However it is becoming apparent that the burgeoning of nationalist forces in the century preceding Independence was not only in response to the West's political impact on India, but to its social and economic impact as well. Epstein here uses a detailed analysis of the economic and social changes Bombay underwent under British rule--the commercialization of agriculture, the concomitant emergence of increasingly market-oriented peasant communities from rural isolation into broader spheres of influence--to shed new light on the changing pattern of Congress success within the Bombay presidency after World War I."