In this article Meenakshi Mukherjee traces the impact of the Indian partition of 1947 on the creative writing, films and intellectual life of India and Pakistan.
This paper analyses the background of the Kargil operation along with highlighting the significant developments in Kargil (mis)adventure, which serves as a most glaring example of inconsistency in Pakistan's Kashmir policy. It played a central role in the derailment of Lahore peace process, it was also indicative of the dominance of hawkish elements over doves with respect to Pakistan's Kashmir policy. Failure of Pakistan’s hawkish policy makers to withstand international pressure is evident from the retreat of Pakistani Mujahideen from Kargil.
This article analyses Pakistan’s Kashmir policy from1989 to 1995. This period constitutes a new phase inPakistan’s Kashmir policy as it was synchronized with the resurgence of Kashmiri resistancemovement. During the previous two decades Kashmir issue was overlooked because Pakistan wasentangled with many other problems, ranging fromcrisis in East Pakistan to the problems arising fromthe Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Therefore,Pakistan was providing only lip service by placingrhetorical emphasis on the UN’s resolutionconcerning Kashmir.
This article makes an historical analysis of Pakistani Kashmir policy between 1947-88. Besides providing a synoptic view of the Kashmir policies, pursued by various regimes in Pakistan both civilian and military also provides a thorough insight into all the major developments concerning Kashmir dispute as well as the responses of Pakistani governments’ visà- vis these developments. It contextualizes these main planks of Pakistan’s Kashmir policy by situating historical factors which invariably shaped its main contours.